Richness and diversity birds in a landscape Agricultural in the Ejido Chalahuiyapa, Huejutla, Hidalgo.


  • Juan Cipriano Anastasio
  • Alejandra López Mancilla
  • Dorismilda Cabrera Martínez
  • Ascención Capistrán Barradas



richnnes, diversity, effective species, habitat


The loss of habitats seriously affects biodiversity. A study of the richness and diversity of birds was carried out in an agricultural landscape during the months that comprise the wet season (autumn- winter). Using linear trajectories, 50 species of birds, 10 orders and 22 families were registered. The most rich and diverse month was October with 22.02 effective species and the habitat with greater abundance, richness and diversity were the secondary vegetation with 24.1 and finally 14.4 effective species. The estimators Jack 1 and Jack 2 reveal that for the zone the greatest wealth is 69 (72%) and 80 (62%) species. These estimators give a total equivalence of 67% of the total avifauna of the four sampled habitats. The similarity between secondary vegetation and acahual reveals that they share 36% of the species and are not found in disturbed habitats, corn and pasture.


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How to Cite

Cipriano Anastasio , J., López Mancilla , A., Cabrera Martínez , D., & Capistrán Barradas , A. (2017). Richness and diversity birds in a landscape Agricultural in the Ejido Chalahuiyapa, Huejutla, Hidalgo. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 5(1), 105–110.



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