Snakes of medical importance and ophidian accidents in the municipality of Tezonapa Veracruz (2003-2016).


  • Diego Almaraz Vidal



snakes, distribution, records, bites, poisoning


A retrospective and descriptive study of ophidian accidents occurred in the period from January 2003 to November 2016 in the municipality of Tezonapa, as well as identifying the species  of  snakes  of  medical  importance  occurring  in  this  administrative  entity.  251 ophidian accidents were reported and four species of snakes of medical importance were identified (two Elápidos and two Vipéridos). The highest number of cases occurred in the summer-autumn (August to October), with the male being the most affected in the age group between 25 and 44 years. Tezonapa presents a high number of accidents, due to the fact that it is a municipality with predominance of rural population.


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How to Cite

Almaraz Vidal , D. (2017). Snakes of medical importance and ophidian accidents in the municipality of Tezonapa Veracruz (2003-2016). Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 5(1), 111–117.



Original Research Papers