Impact of body condition on fertility in cows of the province of Pastaza-Ecuador


  • M. R Arias Vaca
  • J. L Pesantez Pacheco
  • M. A Lammoglia
  • I Daniel Rentería
  • P. R. Marini



bovines, environment, reproductive efficiency, amazon


The objective was to evaluate the effect of body condition on fertility in cows from the province of Pastaza-Ecuador. We used 2434 reproductive records from the database between 2009-2013. The variables analyzed were: pregnant and non-pregnant reproductive status, year, race, body condition (CC), heat, bull or straw used, technical inseminator. The sample for the statistical analysis of the data was based on three models of ANOVA and a mixed model. The percentage of pregnancy at the provincial  level  achieved  with  this  improvement  program  was  60  to  69%.  The CC  was  only significant for the Charolais mestizo breed, which showed a negative linear correlation coefficient with respect to gestation, the other estrus, straw, and technical variables also did not have statistical differences (P> 0.05). But in the analysis of the second applied model, significant differences were found between the place (canton) and CC (P = 0.047) and between the breed of the cow and bull breed (P = 0.006). It is concluded that the (CC) influenced the gestation depending on the place, independent of the race of the cow, a factor that was not important in the reproductive variable studied, the environmental factors: year, canton and CC, influence the levels of pregnancy of the studied population, of the genetic factors analyzed, the breeds of the cow and the father did not influence, only the bull factor was important in the gestation of the cow and the human factor was determinant as a cause of variation in the gestation.



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How to Cite

Arias Vaca , M. R., Pesantez Pacheco , J. L., Lammoglia , M. A., Daniel Rentería, . I., & Marini , P. R. . (2018). Impact of body condition on fertility in cows of the province of Pastaza-Ecuador. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 6(1), 51–60.



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