Cadmium: Biacumulation and effect on the vegetative development of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) as a bioassay proposal


  • María Yesenia Sánchez Zepeda
  • Alberto José Gordillo Martínez
  • Maritza López Herrera
  • Francisco Prieto García
  • Juan Carlos Gaytán Oyarzún



root, stem, biomass


he effect of cadmium on the growth and biomass gain in bean plants (Vicia faba L.), developed in hydroponic culture and exposed to a CdSO4 concentration of 0.112 ppm, was evaluated; The bioaccumulation of the metal in root, stem and leaf was also determined. The results show that the cadmium generated a decrease in the growth of the vegetative part, in the length of the root and in the production of biomass in the plants subjected to the contaminant; the root was the site of greatest bioaccumulation followed by the leaves and the stem. The roots showed a darkening and thickening. Responses to the pollutant can be a tool for environmental monitoring studies.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Zepeda , M. Y., Gordillo Martínez, A. J. ., López Herrera, M. ., Prieto García, F. ., & Gaytán Oyarzún, J. C. . (2018). Cadmium: Biacumulation and effect on the vegetative development of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) as a bioassay proposal. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 6(2), 24–30.



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