Biological effectiveness of control carbamates (Meloidogyne sp.) In tomato and carrot in Morelos


  • M. Acosta Ramos
  • C. A García Munguía
  • A. M García Munguía
  • Soni Guillermo E.
  • E. Vázquez Sánchez
  • A. García Munguía
  • M. Franco Sánchez
  • H. González De Jesús



carbamate, resistance, meloidogyne sp


Tomato and carrot are two vegetables highly susceptible to root-knot nematodes such as Meloidogyne spp. In carrot they cause serious reductions in yields and may even reach the total loss of the crop, when present in carrots is a deformation of the adventitious roots and therefore a deformation of the tap root,  this  makes  the  presentation  and  quality  is  lost  fruit.  Tomato  behavior  is  similar,  with  the formation of galls on the roots impeding a good absorption of water and nutrients. In this experiment two products of the chemical class of carbamates, most commonly used to control root-knot nematode to visualize possible effects of resistance to this chemical group is evaluated. The results show that in carrot carbofuran at 2500 g. ha-1 is the one who has better efficacy for the control of Meloidogyne, while the low dose is the one that has less control. In the case of tomatoes the Oaxamil dosage of 4.7 l.ha-1 is the best knot contains the population of nematos and significant performance improvement in production.


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How to Cite

Acosta Ramos, M., García Munguía, C. A., García Munguía, A. M., E., S. G., Vázquez Sánchez, E., García Munguía, A., Franco Sánchez, M., & González De Jesús, H. (2016). Biological effectiveness of control carbamates (Meloidogyne sp.) In tomato and carrot in Morelos. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 4(1), 54–63.



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