Nutritional extraction of NPK in a wild genotype of Ricinus communis L in early fruiting


  • Benigno Rivera Hernández Universidad Popular de la Contalpa
  • Armando Guerrero Peña Universidad Popular de la Contalpa
  • Gabriela González Arias Universidad Popular de la Contalpa
  • Roberto Gutiérrez Burón Universidad Popular de la Contalpa
  • Pablo Ruíz Beltrán Universidad Popular de la Contalpa



biomass, nutrient requirement, development, higuerilla


The objective of this research was to find out the extraction of NPK in two doses of mineral fertilization in a wild genotype of Ricinus comunis L in early fruiting in Tabasco, Mexico. Three treatments were stablished in individual plots: T1 (0.0 g of NPK), T2 (16 g of NPK) and T3 (32 g of NPK). The highest production of dry matter per plant was found in T3 (843 g plant-1) followed by T2 (708.84 plant-1), both of them above the level of T1 in 237.24 % and 183.34 % respectively. The higest production of radical biomass was also found in T3 (155.03 g plant-1) followed by T2 (144.43 g plant1), both treatments showed an increase in 20.40% and 12.16% in relation to T1. The highest nutritional extraction of NPK was found in T3 with 5.77 g plant-1, 3.29 g planta-1 and 9.84 g plant-1 respectively, followed by T2 which got a higher level than T1.


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How to Cite

Rivera Hernández, B., Guerrero Peña, A., González Arias, G., Gutiérrez Burón, R., & Ruíz Beltrán, P. (2014). Nutritional extraction of NPK in a wild genotype of Ricinus communis L in early fruiting. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 2(1), 236–240.



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