Population fluctuations of the handle white flake (Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead) in Veracruz, Mexico


  • Gerardo Montiel Vicencio INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla
  • Mario Alfonso Urías López INIFAP. Campo Experimental Santiago Ixcuintla.
  • Nain Peralta Antonio INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla




white flake, mango, Aulacaspis tubercularis


The studies were conducted from 2012-2013 in manila mango commercial orchards in three locations in Veracruz, Mexico; (Actopan, Cotaxtla and Tierra Blanca), with the aim of obtaining information on the annual population fluctuation white flake handle. The population monitoring was performed every fifteen days; in each orchard were sampled five trees which marked the four branches facing each cardinal point. It was found that the species that attacks the handle is Aulacaspis tubercularis Veracruz Newstead (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), same as presented in Nayarit, Mexico. Regarding population fluctuation two events were observed population growth of low density from July rainy season until January and the second in population growth flourished from February to May, however in March were no significant differences at the three localities in the number of scales (females), significantly higher average per sheet (11.32) was recorded in Actopan, followed by Tierra Blanca (4.27) and finally in Cotaxtla (.89). Regarding flake colonies (males) significant differences were detected in March in Actopan infestation recorded highest colonies per sheet (4.12), and the lowest in Cotaxtla (0.89), Tierra Blanca overcome by (2.92), the results show that the three sites were susceptible to white scale.



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How to Cite

Montiel Vicencio, G., Urías López, M. A., & Peralta Antonio, N. . (2014). Population fluctuations of the handle white flake (Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead) in Veracruz, Mexico. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 2(1), 246–250. https://doi.org/10.47808/revistabioagro.v2i1.296



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