Identification of the faunistic and floristic diversity of three different zones of Veracruz State. Perception livestock´s community


  • Carlos Nahin Castro José Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP)
  • Ana Lid Del Ángel Pérez Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP)
  • Mabel Hernández Osorio Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP)



livestock, biodiversity, invertebrates, conservation, soil


In 2011 the state of Veracruz had 3,963,610 cattle, positioning itself as the leading producer of cattle in the country, a herd that develops mainly under the extensive system and that going to require increased grazing areas contributes significantly to the change of use while soil, ecosystem changes where it develops, among which changes in the structure of flora and fauna. Based on this and considering the livestock sector essential part for making decisions about conservation activities referred 200 type surveys were conducted referendum in the north, center and south of the state of Veracruz, encompassing a total of twelve municipalities with history livestock activities. The survey asked, among other things, information about the flora and fauna that owners have and have seen their land; the responses were organized into matrices and subjected to a simple analysis. The fauna was grouped by taxonomic class (Mammalia, Birds, and Sauropsida) birds being the class with the highest percentage of records, 53.94, 44.95 and 38.53% for each of the areas. The flora was grouped according to the use that is given, (fodder, human consumption, timber) vegetation used for human consumption had the highest percentage of records for the three areas with values of 42.55, 34.82 and 42% respectively. It is important to consider that the respondents did not mention insects and other smaller invertebrates.


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How to Cite

Castro José, C. N., Del Ángel Pérez, A. L., & Hernández Osorio, M. . (2014). Identification of the faunistic and floristic diversity of three different zones of Veracruz State. Perception livestock´s community. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 2(1), 266–272.



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