Ichthyological situation, and fishing lake limnological Zapotlán


  • Guadalupe J. Michel Parra Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario del Sur.
  • Carlos Gómez Galindo Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario del Sur.
  • María del Carmen Hernández Terrones Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario del Sur.
  • Rene Santibañez Escobar Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario del Sur.
  • Felipe Santoyo Téllez Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario del Sur.




Wetlands, Monitoring, ichthyological, limnological, fishing


Priorities for this millennium, protect, conserve, comprehensive fishing activities, sources of food, employment, rest and leisure, on Lake Zapotlán aspects are promoted ichthyological research, limnology, fisheries, to strengthen the conservation of ecosystems. Population growth and increasing consumerism biological impacts and adverse social impacts to wetlands. Objective: To determine the situation ictiológica, limnological and fishery on Lake Zapotlán. The study was May 2012 April 2013 Zapotlán lagoon, located in southern Jalisco. The study was cross-sectional, descriptive variables ichthyologic, limnological and fisheries, using statistical methods. Results: ichthyologic: Carp (Cirprinus carpio communis.), (Cirprinus especualaris carpio.), Tilapia (Orechromis spp.), Black bass (Micropterus salmoides), chub (Menidia grandocule), fish Lodero (Goodea atripinnis) and speckles (Poecliopis infans). Limnología temperature 21.9 ° C, dissolved oxygen 4.0 to 6.0 mg / L; alkaline water hardness of 145 ppm and 155 ppm, pH 9.11, low/high content of ammonium and chlorophyll dissolved orthophosphate and 74 mg/m. Fishing Diagnosis: tilapia, carp, bass and chub for commercial fishing. Fishing effort: two organizations with 64 fishermen. Catch per angler 40 kg/day, annual average of 488 tons. Specimens taken: tent (24 to 31 cm and weight of 600-800 g) and tilapia (from 22.25 cm. And weight of 236 gr. On average). Fishing gear: gillnet length of 60 m mesh opening and 3 ½ "to 4 ½", boats fiberglass boats of 14 feet. Playing: Tent: March to September and Tilapia: March to October.


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How to Cite

Michel Parra, G. J., Gómez Galindo, C., Hernández Terrones, M. del C. ., Santibañez Escobar, R., & Santoyo Téllez, F. (2014). Ichthyological situation, and fishing lake limnological Zapotlán. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 2(1), 430–433. https://doi.org/10.47808/revistabioagro.v2i1.330



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