Determination cadmium bioacumulation capacity in Vicia faba L. and his effect on vegetative growth and the root


  • María Yesenia Sánchez Zepeda Universidad Tecnológica de Tecamac, Tecamac, Estado de México
  • Maritza López Herrera Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas
  • Leticia Romero Bautista Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas



Cadmium Vicia faba, bioacumulation


In order to contribute to the use of broad beans to evaluate bioaccumulation and biological effect associated with exposure to cadmium, bioaccumulation and the effect of cadmium on growth and biomass gain in broad bean plants (Vicia faba L.) var. Major in root, stem and leaf samples, developed in hydroponic cultivation and exposed to a CdSO4 concentration of 0.112 ppm; The results show that the exposure to cadmium generated a statistically significant decrease in the growth of the vegetative part, in the length of the root and in the biomass production in the plants subjected to the pollutant; the root was an organ where most of the cadmium accumulated followed by leaves and stem. The roots showed a darkening and thickening. The oxidative damage alters the functioning of the root tissue, affecting the absorption of nutrients, generating a poor development of the plants subjected to the pollutant. Evidenced that the biological responses of growth and root symptoms can be good biomarkers of toxicity for plants.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Zepeda, M. Y., López Herrera, M., & Romero Bautista, L. (2021). Determination cadmium bioacumulation capacity in Vicia faba L. and his effect on vegetative growth and the root. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 9(2), 46–60.



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