Descriptive analysis of reproductive parameters in a dual-purpose system in the tropics


  • Miguel Ángel Lammoglia-Villagómez Universidad Veracruzana, Campus Tuxpan
  • Jorge Luis Chagoya-Fuentes Universidad Veracruzana. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias Región Córdoba - Orizaba.
  • Daniel Sokani Sánchez-Montes Universidad Veracruzana, Campus Tuxpan
  • Diana Lizeth Santamaría-Pérez Universidad Veracruzana, Campus Tuxpan



Reproductive Parameters, Dual Purpose Systems, Tropics


Bovine production systems base their efficiency mainly on reproduction. The objective was to evaluate the main reproductive parameters in a Livestock Production Unit (UPP) with a Dual Purpose Bovine Production system in the north of Veracruz. Reproductive information was used: Days Open (DA), Number of Services per Conception (SPC) and Calving Interval (IEP) of 295 crossbred cows (Bos taurus x Bos indicus) for three years. Three types of analyzes were performed using STATISTICA 7: In the first (traditional) analysis, the parameters were obtained from cows that calved, became pregnant and calved again (66.7%, n=190). 31.6% of the cows had 4 or more services, DA=181.24±117.0; SPC=2.93±2.3, IEP=469.44±117.6 days. In the second analysis, a gestation projection was made for the cows that calved but could not get pregnant (33.3% of the herd) and the parameters deteriorated even more (P<0.05), DA=216.24±117.0 and IEP= 482.6± 66.3 days. In the third analysis, all cows with 6 and more services and they still open were discarded, and the parameters improved (P<0.05, DA=192.24±55.0 and IEP=482.6±66.3 days. In conclusion, the main reproductive parameters of this dual-purpose in this UPP under tropical conditions were not very efficient. However, if a maximum of five services are considered, the reproductive parameters improve considerably. Due to the above, it is recommended not only to keep reproductive data, but also to analyze them routinely, to identify the problem cows and thus be able to make the best decisions at the right time.


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How to Cite

Lammoglia-Villagómez M. Ángel, Chagoya-Fuentes , J. L., Sánchez-Montes, D. S., & Santamaría-Pérez, D. L. (2023). Descriptive analysis of reproductive parameters in a dual-purpose system in the tropics. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 11(1), 01–12.



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