Review of techniques for modeling species distribution


  • Jorge Luis Becerra López
  • Ulises Romero Méndez
  • Aurelio Ramírez Bautista
  • Jesús Salvador Becerra López



spatial patterns, species distribution models


In the last years a new tool has become widely used in ecological studies: species distribution models. These models analyze the spatial patterns of presence of organisms objectively, by means of statistical and cartographic procedures based on real data. They infer the presence of potentially suitable areas according to their environmental characteristics. Data stored in natural history collections can be used for this purpose, which gives new opportunities to use to these types  of  data.  In  this  paper  we  review  the  variety  of  methods  used,  their  potential  and weaknesses,  and  the limiting factors  that  influence  the interpretation  of species  distribution models.


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How to Cite

Becerra López , J. L., Romero Méndez, U., Ramírez Bautista, A., & Becerra López, J. S. (2016). Review of techniques for modeling species distribution. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 4(1), 176–187.



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