A devastating disease: history of fire blight, its biology and management


  • Iván Alberto Rodríguez Hernández Facultad de Ciencias Agrotecnológicas de la Universidad Autonóma de Chihuahua
  • Loreto Robles Hernández Facultad de Ciencias Agrotecnológicas de la Universidad Autonóma de Chihuahua
  • Ana Cecilia González Franco Facultad de Ciencias Agrotecnológicas de la Universidad Autonóma de Chihuahua




Bioassay, Apple production, Management, Erwinia amylovora


Erwinia amylovora is an enterobacterium that causes fire blight or fire spot, a disease of the Rosaceae family that mainly affects apple, pear and quince trees, and is currently present in more than 40 countries. The apple tree is one of the most widespread species worldwide, being Mexico one of the main producers. The fire blight is a lethal disease for the tree, generating millions of dollars in losses among growers worldwide, and to date there is no concrete cure, which makes it dangerous. One of the techniques to determine how aggressive Erwinia amylovora strains can be, is the use of the bioassay technique of virulence and pathogenicity, which allows to better manage this disease and have minimal losses when facing the fire spot disease.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Hernández, I. A., Robles Hernández, L., & González Franco, A. C. (2023). A devastating disease: history of fire blight, its biology and management. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 11(2), 302–309. https://doi.org/10.47808/revistabioagro.v11i2.507



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