Multiparous Holstein cows calved in two seasons in the subtropics: lactation curves analysis


  • Aixa Fiorella Koberstein Becaria Chaco + i - Argentina
  • Miguel Ángel Lammoglia-Villagómez Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Región Poza Rica-Tuxpan, Universidad Veracruzana
  • Rebeca Rojas-Ronquillo Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Región Poza Rica-Tuxpan, Universidad Veracruzana
  • Ivana Barbona Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Argentina
  • Pablo Roberto Marini Carrera de Ing. Zootecnista, Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral -Argentina



Seasons, heat stress, milk production


Lactation curve in dairy cattle is used to evaluate productive performance, however it can also be used to predict and/or compare lactation curves in different environmental conditions and lactation stages, to select the best animals and evaluate nutritional efficiency. The objective of this work was to evaluate the milk production curve of multiparous Holstein cows calved in two seasons: autumn-winter and spring-summer in a grazing system in the Subtropics of Argentina. Individual milk control data from 11 multiparous Holstein cows calved in autumn - winter and spring - summer of 2022 were collected. Cows were in a dairy farm in the province of Chaco, Argentina. Milk production was registered daily for each cow and the days of lactation for each cow were also obtained. The statistical analysis was carried out using a local regression (loess) to obtain the lactation curve in a smoothed manner of the milk production performance. Differences (P < 0.05) were found between the curves of the cows calved in the different seasons. The lactation curve in cows calved in autumn - winter showed a decreased expression of the ascending phase of the curve, the peak, and the moderate descending phase. While cows calved in spring - summer showed no ascending phase, no peak, and a very abrupt descending phase. It is concluded from these analyzed that cows calved in different seasons showed values that respond to the subtropical environment (low increase in production in the ascending phase, no expression of peak production and a shorter duration of lactation). Although, cows calved in autumn - winter had better performance than those calved in spring - summer.


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How to Cite

Fiorella Koberstein, A., Lammoglia-Villagómez M. Ángel, Rojas-Ronquillo, R., Barbona, I., & Roberto Marini, P. (2023). Multiparous Holstein cows calved in two seasons in the subtropics: lactation curves analysis. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 11(2), 310–318.



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