
REVISTA BIOLÓGICO AGROPECUARIA TUXPAN, Year 1, No. 1, July – December 2013, is a semi-annual publication with international circulation and indexed in Latindex edited by Pablo Elorza Martínez. Río Azul 5 Lomas de Tuxpan Fovisste, Tuxpan, Veracruz, C.P. 92890, Tel. (783)839 0846, [email protected] Editor in charge: Pablo Elorza Martínez; Web Co-editor: Roberto Alejandro Mateos Rocha. Reserves of Rights for Exclusive Use No. 04-2013-050911170300-203, ISSN: 2007-6940, both granted by the National Institute of Copyright. The presentation of works in the Journal is of Diffusion Via Computer Network and implies the commitment of the author or authors with respect to the fact that the material presented has not been and will not be published in other foreign or national media. The Journal publishes original and unpublished scientific articles in Agricultural Biological Sciences that focus on aspects of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics, Agronomy, Agribusiness, Terrestrial Biology and Marine Biology. It will also publish work progress, technical notes and book reviews, as well as bibliographic reviews or monographs. The Journal is not responsible for the ideas and opinions issued by the authors of the papers published in it. Unless otherwise stated, the total or partial reproduction of the contents and images of the publication is prohibited without prior authorization from Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan.