Application of vermicompost and biomass production in temporary maize crop


  • J. C. González Cortés
  • C. A. Ramírez Mandujano
  • A. Avila Bautista



biomass, fertility, maize, sustainable, vermicompost


Loss of fertility in agricultural soils is a global problem, where management practices are determinant, such as excessive use of agrochemicals and minimal reincorporation of organic matter. Faced with this problem, the use of organic materials is a practice that must be resumed if sustainable production systems are to be achieved. The vermicomposta has been tried in the last years, considering the physical, chemical and biological benefit to the soil. Temporary maize is produced in Michoacán under conditions of low or zero profitability, by the high cost of chemical fertilizers. The objective of the present work was to evaluate different doses of vermicompost combined with reduced doses of chemical fertilizer (50%) on the production of plant and grain biomass in temporary maize. Four doses of vermicompost were tested in the field: 4, 8, 16 and 32 t ha-1, with an absolute control and conventional chemical treatment. The results showed a positive effect of the vermicompost on the vegetative development, on biomass of leaves, stems and roots, as well as on the grain biomass (Tukey p <0.05), always surpassing the absolute control and competing with the chemical treatment. Treatments with 16 and 32 t ha-1  had the highest yield means (4.55 y 4.46 t ha-1). Variables such as number of rows and percentage of grain moisture did not show significant differences. It is possible to gradually reduce chemical fertilizers using vermicomposta without affecting grain production.


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How to Cite

González Cortés , J. C., Ramírez Mandujano, C. A., & Avila Bautista , A. (2017). Application of vermicompost and biomass production in temporary maize crop. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 5(2), 27–34.



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