Hematological profile of the backyard creole turkey in the region of Tecamachalco, Puebla.


  • Roberto Reséndiz Martínez
  • Salvador Romero Castañón
  • Herminio I. Jiménez Cortez
  • Briseida Lucía Castro Bautista




hematology, turkey, heterophile, leukocytes, plasma proteins


The creoles turkeys in rural environment have played an important role as they have provided the human population with high biological quality proteins (meat and eggs) usually in adverse conditions. This research aims to describe the haematological profile of the creoles turkeys of the Tecamachalco region, Puebla, Mexico. 23 creoles turkeys (GC) were selected and acquired, which were kept in confinement for a month, feeding on ground corn and alfalfa, similar to the place of origin. For the hematologic study, a sample of two ml of the wing blood was taken. It was placed in a vial with anticoagulant EDTA. The following determinations were made:  Hematocrit (Micro Hematocrit method with capillary tubes, centrifuged at 12,000 r.p.m. for 5 minutes), hemoglobin (method of Drabkin), and white blood cells (Neubauer) and Formula leukocyte (count differential smeared according to GIEMSA). The results obtained were the following: for hematocrit, plasma proteins, total leukocytes, lymphocytes, heterophiles,  eosinophils,  basophils  and  monocytes,  49.39%,  5.56  g/DL,  27.89 x  103/ul,  50.48%,35.35%, 11.57%, 1.65% and 5.87%, respectively. The reference values are: 49.39%, 5.56 g/DL, 20 x103/UL, 50%, 43%, 19%, 3% and 9%, so it is considered minimum the difference between the obtained and the reference ranges. This hematologic information of the GCM under the conditions described is the basis for future research on this animal species, in particular for studies of resistance to diseases and other environmental factors.



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How to Cite

Reséndiz Martínez , R., Romero Castañón, S. ., Jiménez Cortez, H. I. ., & Castro Bautista, B. L. . (2017). Hematological profile of the backyard creole turkey in the region of Tecamachalco, Puebla. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 5(2), 75–82. https://doi.org/10.47808/revistabioagro.v5i2.115



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