Advances on the study of Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) in Mexico


  • Julio César García Rodríguez
  • Guillermo Ascencio Luciano
  • Antonio Palemón Terán Vargas
  • Nicolás Maldonado Moreno
  • José Eduardo de la Rosa Flores



glycine max (L.) merr, phakosora pachyhizi, pathogenicity, resistance, chemical control


The first report of Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) in Mexico was in 2005. Yield losses by the disease range between 25 and 80 %, so the use of chemical control is the main strategy to reduce the risk. Tamaulipas produces most of the soybean in Mexico, but also has the longest period with favorable climatic conditions for soybean infection by the pathogen. Since all varieties of soybean planted in Mexico are susceptible to Asian soybean rust, the cost of applying fungicides is high. Planting soybean varieties resistant to Asian soybean rust is the most profitable strategy for its management. This review shows the advances in the study of Asian soybean rust in Mexico, considering the points: discovery and dispersion of Asian soybean rust, symptoms and conditions for the pathogen development, management strategies for its control and pathogenicity studies and genetic resistance to P. pachyrhizi.



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How to Cite

García Rodríguez , J. C., Ascencio Luciano , G., Terán Vargas, A. P. ., Maldonado Moreno, N. ., & de la Rosa Flores, J. E. . (2018). Advances on the study of Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) in Mexico. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 6(1), 6–14.



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