Problems and proposals for the territorial management of three Communities of Municipality of Satevó, Chihuahua




desarrollo, territorio, medioambiental, economía


The information ordered, analyzed and evaluated, becomes knowledge and main input to carry out a sustainable territorial development plan. Due to lack of information and knowledge management,

various regions of the world have incalculable and sometimes unknown wealth that impedes  the improvement of the quality of life of current and future generations. To document the present study, it was necessary to work in three communities in the municipality of Satevó: San Francisco Javier de Satevó, San José del Sitio and Boca del Río in the municipality of Satevó; the selection of the communities was in charge of the executive of the Municipal Administration. Due to the nature and complexity of territorial development, it was necessary to carry out a combination of methodological strategies to address the region and the dimensions that are combined in time and space, as methodological references, it was used, the construction of problem trees  of  FAO  and  Participatory Monitoring  and  Evaluation  of  Logical  Framework;  following  the recommendations of Sili (2005), dynamic and flexible methodologies were generated to define a four- stage procedure addressing the social, environmental, infrastructure and economic-productive dimensions of the region. The updating of the municipal or regional development plan, considering the economic-productive vocation of the region, the skills of the inhabitants, the installed infrastructure and the location and natural condition of the site; they will undoubtedly provoke a management with a holistic and responsible approach to the diverse resources of the territory.



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How to Cite

Hoffmann Esteves , H., Manjarrez Domínguez , C., & Ortega Rodríguez , A. (2018). Problems and proposals for the territorial management of three Communities of Municipality of Satevó, Chihuahua. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 6(1), 76–83.



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