Addition of tuna oil in diets for broiler chickens


  • E. Soni-Guillermo
  • M. Pérez-Sato
  • N. P. Castro-González
  • A. M. García-Munguía
  • C. A. García-Munguía
  • A. Muñoz-Cuautle
  • M. A. Cabrera-Cruz



tuna oil, chicken meat, chicken feed


The aim of this study was to evaluate the productive behavior sensory, physicochemical characteristics and meat broiler, fed the inclusion of tuna oil in the diet. Treatments jurisdiction; T1: control diet, T2: 2.5% of tuna oil and T3 3.5% of tuna oil. 90 chickens Roos line, distributed in a completely randomized design with 30 repetitions each treatment, the variables evaluated in productive behavior in the stages of initiation and completion were used; feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion; regarding meat characteristics  were:  pH,  carcass  yield,  water  holding  capacity  and  sensory  analysis.  The  results showed differences (p <0.05) only in weight gain during the stage of completion. It is concluded that the  2.5%  inclusion  of  tuna  oil  improved  weight  gain  and  sensory  meat  without  affecting  the physicochemical characteristics and meat yield.


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How to Cite

Soni-Guillermo, E., Pérez-Sato, M., Castro-González, N. P., García-Munguía, A. M., García-Munguía, C. A., Muñoz-Cuautle, A., & Cabrera-Cruz, M. A. (2016). Addition of tuna oil in diets for broiler chickens. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 4(1), 1–8.



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