Tecoma stans: associated variation with inhibition of α-glycosidase to the diabetes treatment.


  • Antonio Álvarez Delgadillo
  • Miguel Ángel Villavicencio Nieto
  • Blanca Estela Pérez Escandón
  • Pablo Octavio Aguilar




diabetes, medicinal plants, α -glucosidase, genetic diversity, morphometry


Tecoma stans it is a plant used in Mexico and Central America to the traditional treatment of diabetes, with variable success depending to the origin, environment and other subjacent variation sources. To determine the morphological and genetic variation associated to  a better α-glucosidase inhibition, ethanolic extracts from seven population origins, three wild and four cultivars were tested. Morphological and genetic variability are related and significantly different between populations. The population at El Arenal has the maximum inhibition activity and show a particular genotype shared with two cultivars that have a similar activity, but without morphological traits associated with antidiabetic potential. Our results suggest a genetic component of the therapeutic activity associated with a particular wild source, but an independent morphological plasticity that could be non indicative of a better therapeutic response.



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How to Cite

Álvarez Delgadillo , A., Villavicencio Nieto , M. Ángel, Pérez Escandón , B. E., & Octavio Aguilar , P. (2018). Tecoma stans: associated variation with inhibition of α-glycosidase to the diabetes treatment. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 6(1), 121–132. https://doi.org/10.47808/revistabioagro.v6i1.145



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