Veracruz: Problems of citrus production


  • Fabián Enríquez García Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas y Pecuarias de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
  • Víctor Hugo Villarreal-Ramírez Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas y Forestales, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua.
  • Arwell Nathán Leyva Chávez Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas y Forestales, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua
  • Brenda Marily Alvarado Pimentel Instituto Tecnológico de Delicias. Paseo Tecnológico
  • Edmundo José Aguirre-Avilés Facultad de Ciencias Agrotecnológicas, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua



Citrus, work, pests, diseases, marketing


Citrus fruits are mainly consumed as fresh fruit or in juice, but its usefulness goes beyond that, its derivatives are widely used in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries, etc. At the regional level, a series of advantages and threats presented by orange production have been identified. In this investigation based on interviews with more than 100 producers from the municipalities of Alamo and Tihuatlán, Veracruz, we sought to determine the limitations in the production of citrus fruits. From the results obtained, the null governmental support both in technical advice and in financing at a preferential rate to improve their production, coyotismo and low prices and even crime stand out. The producers mainly propose that they be provided with adequate technical advice with real personnel trained in cultural practices and in the control of pests and diseases, both chemical and organic, legal and cultural.


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How to Cite

Enríquez García, F., Villarreal-Ramírez , V. H., Leyva Chávez, A. N., Alvarado Pimentel, B. M., & Aguirre-Avilés , E. J. (2023). Veracruz: Problems of citrus production. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 11(1), 165–170.



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