Transfer of irrigation district 005 and its impact on the practices of the distribution of water. Cd. Delicias, Chihuahua


  • Javier Núñez López
  • Eduardo Magaña M
  • Hugo Villarreal R
  • Abdoón Palacios Monarrez



district of Irrigation, irrigation, water, transfer


The study was conducted in the District of Irrigation 005 (CONAGUA) belongs to the Hydrologic Region 24 west, located in the center southwest of the state of Chihuahua to know the policies for the allocation and management of water, the strategies followed To ensure the supply of water in the cycles of crops to future; identify if account with a schedule of crops by agricultural cycle and to know the perception of users, the administration of the water with the transfer of the Irrigation District 005. 100 surveys were applied at random to producers in the months of April and May of the year 2013 In the module five, in Ciudad Delicias, Chihuahua, analyzed the size of plot, the criteria used for planning the next crop, type of irrigation used, perception of the service of the module five, factors that affect the availability of water for irrigation. The main results obtained show that 30% of farmers irrigated surfaces between 28 and more of 38 hectares. The 81%, producers considered in the first place the availability of water to plan the planting, as well as the existence of a contract market, tradition and experience. The irrigation method used by the 72.0% of the producers is the gravity, followed by a 15.0% that uses a combination of filmed and spark and 9.0% that uses irrigation with spark. The producers have said to be best served with respect to the management of the water after the transfer mainly with respect to the water supply.


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How to Cite

Núñez López , J., Magaña M, E., Villarreal R, H., & Palacios Monarrez, A. (2016). Transfer of irrigation district 005 and its impact on the practices of the distribution of water. Cd. Delicias, Chihuahua. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 4(1), 202–214.



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