Evaluation of edaphological and toxicological quality in three greenhouses with vegetable production


  • L. M. Dávila
  • H. T. Ramírez
  • R. H Ortiz
  • T. I. Landero
  • R. V. Enríquez




soil analysis, greenhouses, vegetables


The objective of this research was to determine the quality of soil science and toxicological three  greenhouses  Agricultural  School  of  Biological  Sciences,  which  are  worked  by modules vegetables and ornamentals. The variables analyzed were: pH, density, texture, organic  matter  (M.O),  nitrogen,  potassium,  phosphorus,  calcium  and  magnesium.  The toxicological evaluation was conducted qualitatively evaluating the presence and / or absence  of: toxaphene,      dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane  (DDT), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD), in the presence of dieldrin endrin and / or aldrin, heptachlor  and  heptachlor  in  the  presence  of  other  organochlorine  insecticidal.  The variables were analyzed using the SAS statistical program "Statistical Analysis System and comparison of means was performed by the Tukey test. For variables: pH, M.O, N, K, P, Ca  and  Mg  in  the  statistical  analysis  significant  difference  between  treatments  were reported, with respect to density no significant difference was found in any treatment. The T1  and  T2  (Greenhouse vegetables) for variables  pH and  organic matter results  were obtained 7.12-7.5 and 5.1% respectively which are considered enabling environments for agricultural use, on the other hand are reported in the three toxic waste greenhouses DDT which could be due to volatility and its slow degradation in soil.


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How to Cite

Dávila, L. M., Ramírez, H. T., Ortiz, R. H., Landero, T. I., & Enríquez, R. V. (2016). Evaluation of edaphological and toxicological quality in three greenhouses with vegetable production. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 4(2), 49–54. https://doi.org/10.47808/revistabioagro.v4i2.69



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