Regional strategic plan for rural development in the northern zone of the state of Veracruz in the sector of economic organizations


  • Rubén de la Paz Mendo Muñoz
  • Anahí Reyes Melchor
  • Ignacio Caamal Cauich
  • Miguel Ángel González Salas
  • Oralia Elorza Martínez
  • Sonia Reyes Reyes
  • Blanca Vianey Hidalgo Barrios



organizations, producers, training


It was carried out with a study of the economic organizations in the northern part of the state of Veracruz, located in the municipalities of Álamo, Tuxpan and Tamiahua, with the purpose of identifying their production characteristics to realize and propose strategies and actions that contribute to the transformation And rural development of communities, particularly the primary sector through top-level economic organizations. As part of the methodological work, information was consulted regarding economic organizations in the primary sector in SAGARPA, CONAFOR and CONAPESCA. In the field phase, surveys were carried out on organizations and producers, as well as research on the internet in organizational, technical and legal aspects. The results of the surveys showed that only 33% of the producers know that it is a business incubator and 67% do not know, that is to say that it is necessary to emphasize the services offered by an incubator. The results were analyzed  showing that  it  is  necessary to  inform  and  train  the producer in  the use  of machinery and equipment to produce.


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How to Cite

Mendo Muñoz , R. de la P., Reyes Melchor, A., Caamal Cauich , I., González Salas, M. Ángel, Elorza Martínez , O., Reyes Reyes, S. ., & Hidalgo Barrios , B. V. (2016). Regional strategic plan for rural development in the northern zone of the state of Veracruz in the sector of economic organizations. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 4(2), 106–111.



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