A farm Design to Produce rainbow Trout in Guachochi, Chihuahua


  • Irma Arisbel Villalobos Gracia
  • José Eduardo Magaña Magaña
  • José Eduardo Magaña Magaña
  • Víctor Hugo Villarreal Ramírez
  • José Esteban Hernández Salas
  • Juan Javier Núñez López




aquaculture, solar energy, production in ponds, Sierra Tarahumara, rainbow trout


Was evaluated the feasibility of a project consisting in the establishment of an aquaculture farm dedicated to the breeding and sale of rainbow trout in order to take advantage of the climate and quality of the water from a spring, which is optimal for the species. The project aims to have an impact on the creation of stable jobs in the region and lead to a profit for its owners. He was a market research based  on the application of a random questionnaire of 190 surveys in the community of Guachochi, Chihuahua. The program SPSS version 19 was used to encode the data. Main results indicated that 91% consume rainbow trout and a 99.5%, are willing to buy it. Based on this result was elaborated an investment project which threw positiveresults with a VAN (15%) = $51,491.76, an IRR of 20% and a benefit/cost ratio (15%) = 1,081, whichmeans that the project is viable.The environmental impact will be mitigated by the using a sieve to remove excess organic matter to then use the water for irrigation. To discard the fish dead production will be the right place for his burial. The project will not change the natural dynamics of any body of water. The ground will not be affected, since it will not expose to corrosive materials. Will reduce the impact of the consumption of electrical energy through the use of solar panels to power the farm.



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How to Cite

Villalobos Gracia, I. A., Magaña Magaña, J. E., Magaña Magaña, J. E., Villarreal Ramírez , V. H., Hernández Salas , J. E., & Núñez López, J. J. (2017). A farm Design to Produce rainbow Trout in Guachochi, Chihuahua. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 5(1), 24–36. https://doi.org/10.47808/revistabioagro.v5i1.89



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