Booth 8 avocado investment project in the huasteca veracruzana, a business opportunity for producers as a generator of foreign currency


  • Rubén de la Paz Mendo Muñoz
  • Benjamín Cruz Ramírez
  • Miguel Ángel González Salas
  • Jordán Gutiérrez Vivanco



avocado, food security, commercialization


The avocado industry in Mexico, in recent years has increased significantly, we are currently the first producer of avocado, the fruit that is produced in our country is destined to high-value international markets such as the United States, the main avocado importer that It is produced in Mexico, the avocado is very demanded as much as in the local market, as well as the international one (SAGARPA, 2011). In this  investment  project on  the production,  marketing and  export  of BOOTH 8  avocado  with  the characteristics of studies such as; market, technical, organizational and economic -financiero will be released a current situational diagnosis of avocado in Mexico and the target market that will be the United States, which is intended to export the fruit in the best way. The investment project for the production, commercialization and export of avocado of the Booth 8 variety, shows us that we have the necessary information to produce, commercialize and export it. In addition, the target market was specified, where I explain that the pacific part is where there is more avocado consumption and also prefer green varieties such as Booth 8 and Hass. The United States is a large market with more than 300 million inhabitants, almost 45% consume avocado fruit. The price that will be handled in the local market will be $ 15 per piece and in the target market it will raise its cost to $ 35, so we conclude that it can be said that the Booth 8 avocado production, marketing and export project to the target market is feasible and profitable.



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How to Cite

Mendo Muñoz , R. de la P., Cruz Ramírez , B., González Salas , M. Ángel, & Gutiérrez Vivanco , J. (2017). Booth 8 avocado investment project in the huasteca veracruzana, a business opportunity for producers as a generator of foreign currency. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 5(2), 97–102.



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