Tilapia growth crappie variety Stirling during the development stage, under two diets


  • Otoniel Hernández Porfirio
  • Santos Ángel Bruno Martínez
  • Guadalupe Castillo Capitán
  • Maximino Zito Romero Figueroa
  • María Guisela Velázquez Silvestre




growth, meat meal, biomass, subsistence


The growth of tilapia variety Stirling was evaluated during the development stage, from supply of two diets: commercial food and diet based on meat meal. The work was done under a system of semi- intensive production on two concrete ponds with a capacity of 24 m 3 (3x8x1), under an experimental density of 600 fish / pond and for three months (November, December and January). The fishes were fed their body taking into account biomass. Data were analyzed with a factorial completely randomized design with 60 repetitions per treatment. The results showed significant differences for both diets, weight gain was higher with the commercial concentrate (49.65g) with the elaborate diet (25.62g). The commercial diet allows significant growth for Tilapia. The diet of meat meal minimizes production costs, The results indicate that the diet of meat meal has a difference in cost of 66.36%. If required to obtain  a  commercial  weight  tilapia,>  350g  in  a  short  time,  the  best  option  is  the  commercial concentrate feed, feed costs recovers sales. The diet based on meat meal is an alternative to a producer of low-income subsistence, with sales to the local market and with more time feeds to grow tilapia.


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How to Cite

Hernández Porfirio, O., Bruno Martínez, S. Ángel, Castillo Capitán, G., Romero Figueroa, M. Z., & Velázquez Silvestre, M. G. (2016). Tilapia growth crappie variety Stirling during the development stage, under two diets. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 4(1), 32–37. https://doi.org/10.47808/revistabioagro.v4i1.18



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