Material characterization of passion fruit (Passiflora spp) in Veracruz, México


  • Enrique Noé Becerra Leor INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla
  • Xóchitl Rosas González INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla
  • Isaac Meneses Márquez INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla
  • Andrés Vásquez Hernández INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla



Evaluation, Passifloras, Species


Characterization of different materials of passion fruit including three cultivated species (P. edulis Sims fv flavicarpa Deg., and P. ligularis Juss. P. quadrangularis L.) and a wild (P. foetida L. Gaertn.) was carried out. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among materials broadly and there were correlation between juice content and number of seeds per fruit, and juice content with fruit weight. P. quadrangularis had the largest fruit than others and P. foetida the smaller one.


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How to Cite

Becerra Leor, E. N., Rosas González, X., Meneses Márquez, I. ., & Vásquez Hernández, A. . (2014). Material characterization of passion fruit (Passiflora spp) in Veracruz, México. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 2(1), 71–75.



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