Application of a model to predict the reserves of organic carbon in a monocultivated soil with sugar cane in tropical conditions of Cuba


  • M González Hidalgo
  • T. López Seijas
  • J. Arcia Porrúa
  • M. R. Dávila L
  • T. Ramírez Hernández
  • R. H. Ortiz
  • E. Aguirre López



ferralsol soil, rothC26.3 model, soil organic matter


The model RothC26.3 (Coleman and Jenkinson, 1999) was used to simulate the soil organic carbon, which works on a monthly time scale and allows determining the monthly replacement of the C by kinetic processes of first order, where the decomposition rates of its four active reservoirs, are modulated by temperature, humidity and plant cover. The research was carried out based on soil organic carbon information and agricultural yields from experiments carried out  in  crops  areas  of  the  Provincial  Research  Station  of  Sugarcane  (EPICA)  located  in Jovellanos, Matanzas province, between 1981 and 2010. The organic carbon data from arable soil layer classified as Ferralsol (0-20 cm) planted with sugarcane, corresponding to the cane plant cycle, served as a basis for parameterizing the model, whose behavior was modified by climatic conditions, coming from the meteorological station associated to the place. The aim of this work was to validate al tropical conditions of Cuba, the soil organic carbon dynamic model RothC26.3. The comparison between the simulated soil organic carbon data and those observed during the period 1981-2010, resulted 95.58% of observed data variance. It was found that the amount of organic carbon required to maintain soil organic carbon level in 1981 was 6.28 t ha-1 year-1. The results support the use of the RothC26.3 model as a tool to predict the behavior of COS in tropical conditions.


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How to Cite

González Hidalgo , M., López Seijas , T., Arcia Porrúa , J., Dávila L, M. R., Ramírez Hernández , T., Ortiz, R. H., & Aguirre López , E. (2016). Application of a model to predict the reserves of organic carbon in a monocultivated soil with sugar cane in tropical conditions of Cuba. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 4(2), 1–18.



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