Expansion of the urban area of Chihuahua´s city 2000-2012


  • Clara Patricia Orozco González
  • Damián A. Porras Flores
  • Anabel Ortega Rodríguez
  • Ricardo A González Aldana
  • Cesar G. García González




urban expansion, urban planning, geographic information systems


In the present work we intend to present the accelerated growth of the urban spot of Chihuahua´s city, that has been generated in only ten years, through the Geographic Information Systems which makes a novel and interesting research, with these systems we can See that although the city has had a growth in its space, economic and social has not given a balanced development on its territory. So the objective of this research is to know the political, social, environmental and economic actions that led to the expansion of the urban spot in its different cardinal points of the City in the last 10 years, represented by GIS. Generated mainly problematic in the subject of human settlements in spaces lacking viable characteristics for a good quality of life, leaving consequences in the structure of the city, both physical and social, since there was given an adequate planning for the growth of the urban area.



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How to Cite

Orozco González , C. P., Porras Flores , D. A., Ortega Rodríguez , A., González Aldana , R. A., & García González , C. G. (2017). Expansion of the urban area of Chihuahua´s city 2000-2012. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 5(1), 65–71. https://doi.org/10.47808/revistabioagro.v5i1.95



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