Information and communication technologies: education and impact on livestock productivity, SOLVER® case in animal nutrition


  • Cuauhtémoc Landa Torralba FISPA UV
  • Maximino Zito Romero Figueroa CE. Cotaxtla CIRGOC INIFAP SAGARPA
  • Pablo Tadeo Cruz FISPA UV
  • José Antonio Fernández Figueroa FISPA UV



Skills, Rations, Cattle, Pigs, Sheep


The article highlights the importance of skills acquired in the classroom, in relation to information and communication technologies, when applied directly in farming production systems for the solution of local problems, improving efficiency and consequently the economy of producers, taking as an example the results of thesis projects performed in the humid tropics to validate the Excel Solver tool for least cost rations formulation by linear programming for animal feed with ingredients and by-products from the region. The analysis concludes that the rations made with Solver can be applied in major livestock species and production systems in the region, with similar or better production results than commercial rations, being on average 18.8% cheaper and therefore increasing profitability over feed costs on 31.6% more than the control group in short-term, without additional investments, outperforming profits from any bank account in México.


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How to Cite

Landa Torralba, C., Romero Figueroa, M. Z. ., Tadeo Cruz, P., & Fernández Figueroa, J. A. (2013). Information and communication technologies: education and impact on livestock productivity, SOLVER® case in animal nutrition. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 1(2), 99–103.



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