Effect of different fertilization systems on yield of residual moisture beans in Veracruz


  • Oscar Hugo Tosquy Valle INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla
  • Valentín A. Esqueda Esquivel INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla
  • Rigoberto Zetina Lezama INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla
  • Arturo Durán Prado INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla
  • José Raúl Rodríguez Rodríguez INIFAP-Campo Experimental Ixtacuaco




Phaseolus vulgaris, Glomus intrarradices, foliar and edaphic fertilization


In Autumn-Winter 2009/2010, two experimental modules were established to determine the effect of fertilization systems on bean yield and compare them with the control without fertilization. The modules were established in Medellin and Jose Azueta in central and southern Veracruz, respectively. The treatments were: 1. Without fertilization, 2. Inoculation of 45 kg of seed with 1 kg of Glomus intrarradices (Gi) + 40N-20P2O5-0K2O (Fq) and 3. Gi + Fq + organic foliar fertilization with Nutripro Xtra-Alga, Nutripro Forte and Aminofit Xtra at 1 L ha-1 each. Each treatment occupied an area of 3000 m2. Grain yield was estimated using three samples of 3 m2 in each treatment. Analysis of variance was performed by location, in a completely randomized design, considering each sample as a replication, and a combined analysis (locations-fertilization) was also performed; mean separation was performed by applying Tukey’s test (p <,05). In Jose Azueta the average yield was 1471,33 kg ha-1, significantly higher than in Medellin (826,67 kg ha-1). The seed inoculation with G. intrarradices, in combination with the dose 40N-20P2O5 0K2O, increased grain yield by 87,6%, in relation to the control without fertilization, but with the complementary application of organic foliar fertilizers there was no additional increase in yield.


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How to Cite

Tosquy Valle , O. H., Esqueda Esquivel, V. A., Zetina Lezama, R. ., Durán Prado, A., & Rodríguez Rodríguez, J. R. (2014). Effect of different fertilization systems on yield of residual moisture beans in Veracruz. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 2(1), 160–164. https://doi.org/10.47808/revistabioagro.v2i1.281



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