Water deficit effect on black bean yield, northern Veracruz, Mexico


  • José Raúl Rodríguez Rodríguez INIFAP-Campo Experimental Ixtacuaco
  • Ernesto López salinas INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla
  • Oscar Hugo Tosquy Valle INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla




Phaseolus vulgaris, genotypes, drought, rainfall


Lack of moisture cause an imbalance in crop yield, which affects their physiology, operation, development and final production. Lack of water effects is related to, crop variety, dry intensity and phenological stage, but usually decreases growth, dry matter production, yield and its components. The greatest reduction in grain production occurs during flowering, then limiting the formation and pod filling, causes flowers abortion. In the winter-spring cycle (february-may), in the Campo Experimental Ixtacuaco INIFAP, located at an altitude of 92 m, an experiment was conducted in order to quantify grain yield 12 genotypes limited moisture environment; statistical design was randomized blocks with four repetitions, the experimental unit was four rows 5 m long 0,60 m wide, the data plot was the two central rows. Variables recorded were: grain yield (kg ha-1), and rainfall (mm). Analysis of variance was performed with the Statistical Software for the UANL, Version 2,5; means were compared with the minimum significant difference test (0,05). There was drought during flowering and pod formation, which reduced grain production; under these conditions, lines SEN-70 and SCN-2 had highest grain yield with1053,7 and 930,7 kg ha-1, while genotypes Negro Papaloapan, SCN-6 and ELS-15-55 were more affected by the water stress.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Rodríguez, J. R., López salinas, E., & Tosquy Valle , O. H. (2014). Water deficit effect on black bean yield, northern Veracruz, Mexico. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 2(1), 183–187. https://doi.org/10.47808/revistabioagro.v2i1.285



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