Evaluation of the protein-energy supplement in siboney cows in grazing systems in the cuban tropic


  • Roberto García López Instituto de Ciencia Animal – Cuba
  • Delfín Gutiérrez Instituto de Ciencia Animal – Cuba
  • Leopóldo Orozco Landus Cooperativa - EE.UU
  • Heradis Linares Empresa Genética Matanzas – Cuba
  • Miguel Ángel Lammoglia Villagomez Universidad Veracruzana, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias Campus Poza Rica Tuxpan




Milk production, Supplement, Soyplus, Dairy cow


The objective of the work was to evaluate in the field the response of a protein supplement in dairy cows in a tropical environment. 24 dairy cows of the Siboney de Cuba breed were used that in their previous lactation produced more than 5000 liters, (Matanzas Genetic Company) they formed two similar groups in previous production and lactation number. One month before delivery, the supplement was offered to each group up to 120 days of lactation. The animals went to graze in the afternoon-night (evening evening), while during the day time, they were offered 30kg Green Matter of forage / cow for one time, in such a way that fibrous feeds were guaranteed throughout the entire period of the experiment. The treatments were: A. Commercial supplement and B. Soyplus supplement. To match the protein supplies, the supply of Soyplus was reduced with respect to the commercial supplement (A) by 35%. The supplement was distributed three times / day. The results obtained were higher and significant in favor of the supplement Soyplus 22.9 vs 20.3 kg of milk / day / cow with respect to the control. The results indicate that the Soyplus product allowed to better express the potential of high-production cows in grazing systems.


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How to Cite

García López, R., Gutiérrez, D., Orozco, L., Linares , H., & Lammoglia Villagomez , M. Ángel. (2021). Evaluation of the protein-energy supplement in siboney cows in grazing systems in the cuban tropic. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 9(1), 65–73. https://doi.org/10.47808/revistabioagro.v9i1.342



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