State of the art Phymatotrichopsis omnivora (SHEAR) duggar, review and present


  • Lorenza E. Martínez Escudero
  • Alicia Melgoza Castillo
  • Ramona Pérez Leal
  • Anabel Ortega Rodríguez
  • Elizabeth Villalobos Pérez



disease, phymatotricchopsis omnivora, root rot, sclerotia, symptomatology


Phymatotrichopsis omnivora it’s a fungi that causes root rot and it is considered one of the most serious diseases of plants because of the wide host range affecting, and causing great economic losses. Some factors have influence on disease development, and symptoms can vary from plant to plant. This fungus colonizes primarily cortical cells and forms a blanket which covers the surface of the roots, blocking the vascular system and the movement of water  too.  Chemical  control  methods  are  costly  and  inefficient,  so  that  other  control methods are sought. Use of resistant plants as well as the application of antagonists as Trichoderma sp, or use of plant extracts has shown good activity against this pathogen, which they have shown some activity in the control of this pathogen.



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How to Cite

Martínez Escudero, L. E., Melgoza Castillo, A., Pérez Leal, R., Ortega Rodríguez, A., & Villalobos Pérez, E. (2016). State of the art Phymatotrichopsis omnivora (SHEAR) duggar, review and present. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 4(1), 103–114.



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