Tuxpan: Analysis of the agricultural sector with the expansion of the port


  • Roberto Alejandro Mateos Rocha
  • Sabdy Greysi Hernández Márquez




rural sector, logistics, benefits, desvantajas, port


The modernization of the ports in the State of Veracruz, including the Port of Tuxpan, will increase the levels of performance and competition in companies, mainly for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises which contribute 52% of the Gross Domestic Product and 72% of the employment that is generated in the country and for the State of Veracruz, the agricultural sector represents the first place in terms of production units. This means that the State is mainly Agricultural, so it is important to analyze the benefit of the expansion of the Port. of Tuxpán for said sector of the northern zone of the state of Veracruz with the purpose of describing the evolution in the cargo movement that the port has had, establishing the benefit of the companies of the agricultural sector with the expansion of the port and determining if the extension of said port will influence the development of the area as well as the agricultural sector. With this analysis, an encouraging scenario is foreseen and can be benefited in the increase of its production, since by reducing logistics costs, they will obtain more profits. Also, by increasing the production of agribusinesses, these will require more labor, which will benefit, by generating jobs in the rural sector.


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How to Cite

Mateos Rocha , R. A., & Hernández Márquez , S. G. (2016). Tuxpan: Analysis of the agricultural sector with the expansion of the port. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 4(1), 215–221. https://doi.org/10.47808/revistabioagro.v4i1.52



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