Economic and biological importance of alfalfa in Chihuahua center


  • Sandra Alvarado Ríos
  • Sergio Guerrero Morales
  • José Álvaro Anchondo Nájera
  • Bertha Alicia Rivas Lucero
  • Abdón Palacios Monarrez



alfalfa, production, income, biological control


The cultivation of alfalfa in the south central region of the state of Chihuahua is the one with the largest area planted (35, 865.50 ha.) And represents a source of income for whole families. The region is one of the main suppliers of alfalfa to the states of Coahuila and Durango. The present study was carried out with the objectives of: Describing the distribution of income between producers and intermediaries by sale of alfalfa. Analyze the hydric significance of the export of alfalfa to other regions. Determine the importance of alfalfa cultivation in the biological control of pests in walnut. Semistructured interviews were conducted with producers, alfalfa intermediaries, and researchers. The information obtained was analyzed statistically with Excel and SAS programs. The sale price of alfalfa, to the final consumer ranges from $ 2.5 to $ 4.00 per kg of hay alfalfa. The total production of alfalfa in 2015 was 609 713.66 tonnes based on dry weight. 51% of the production was exported to other states, equivalent to 219,496,921 m3 of water exported. The sale of 51% of alfalfa to other states generates an income to the region of $ 971,731,200.00 (with a 20% profit of the intermediary) to $ 1 195,976,923.00 (with a 35% profit of the intermediary). It was found that alfalfa is a very important habitat of insects that regulate insect pests in the walnut crop.


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How to Cite

Alvarado Ríos, S. ., Guerrero Morales, S. ., Anchondo Nájera, J. Álvaro ., Rivas Lucero, B. A. ., & Palacios Monarrez, A. . (2017). Economic and biological importance of alfalfa in Chihuahua center. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 5(2), 68–74.



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