Floral visitors and potential pollinator of trichocentrum stramineum endangered and endemic orchid of Veracruz


  • Saúl Hernández Carmona
  • Gustavo Carmona Díaz
  • Paulo Cesar Quintana Morales
  • Jorge E. Morales
  • Alejandro Retureta Aponte
  • Victor Rico Gray




centris nitida, floral visitor, potential pollinator, orchid


Trichocentrum stramineum is an endemic orchid of Veracruz center and threatened according to the NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 for the population reduction where it lives. Little information has been generated from this orchid in the specialized literature and even before the present work; its floral visitors and its pollinator potential were unknown. From 2014 to 2017, direct and indirect observations were made to the inflorescences of T. stramineum to register the floral visitors and determine the potential pollinator in two localities of its geographical distribution. Two species of floral visitors were recorded in locality 1 and three in locality 2. The Centris nitida bee (Apidae) was observed carrying out the removal and deposition of the T. stramineum pollinia in both locations. The Centris tarsata bee (Apidae) was observed a couple of times in each locality without any removal or deposition of the pollinia. The wasp Polybia sp., was observed twice only in location 2 without carrying out the removal of pollinia. The T. stramineum orchid presents a specialized system of pollination by depending only on one species for the fertilization of the flowers. The records of the pollinator of T. stramineum are the first to be obtained and documented for this orchid.



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How to Cite

Hernández Carmona, S. ., Carmona Díaz, G. ., Quintana Morales, P. C. ., Morales, J. E. ., Retureta Aponte, A. ., & Rico Gray, V. . (2017). Floral visitors and potential pollinator of trichocentrum stramineum endangered and endemic orchid of Veracruz. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 5(2), 119–125. https://doi.org/10.47808/revistabioagro.v5i2.125



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