Nutrimental extractions in three basic crops in Veracruz, Mexico


  • Andrés Vásquez Hernández INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla
  • Rigoberto Zetina Lezama INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla
  • Isaac Meneses Márquez INIFAP-Campo Experimental Cotaxtla



corn, beans, sugarcane, unit extractions


The use of the soil analysis as a tool to make more efficient use of chemical fertilizers applied, is essential to use, since it allows us to estimate more reliably the amount of fertilizer to apply site - specific. An alternative to recommend fertilization site specified is the rational method of fertilization, which is a calculation of the fertilization requirements based on the chemical analysis of soil, unitary extraction of crop nutrients and fertilizer efficiency. The rate of extraction of nutrients or extraction unit expressed in kg of nutrient per ton of harvested grain should be determined by culture and region, since it indicates directly the amount of nutrient needed for peak performance potential of the crop. In this work determined unitary extraction of nutrients in basic crops corn and beans; also included sugar cane by its great importance for the State of Veracruz, where is located the most sugar mills at the national level. Bean has extractions average of 41.5 kg N, 6 P and 40 K. For corn removal was 27.3 kg of N, 5.9 P and 29.1 K. For sugarcane the rule of extraction was 1.43 kg of N, 0.30 P and 1.80 K.


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How to Cite

Vásquez Hernández, A. ., Zetina Lezama, R., & Meneses Márquez, I. . (2014). Nutrimental extractions in three basic crops in Veracruz, Mexico. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 2(1), 229–235.



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