Market Study for the Creation of an Agroturistic Farm in the Ejido Palo Blanco, La Puntilla and Tarabitas, Municipality of Tamiahua, Veracruz.


  • Karla M Avalos Tinajero
  • Roberto Alejandro Mateos Rocha
  • Elizabeth Villalobos Pérez
  • Blanca Vianey Hidalgo Barrios
  • Pablo Elorza Martínez



tamiahua, agroturismo farm, natural resorces


The objective of this project is to determine the social and economic characteristics, to implement an agrotourism farm for the development of the inhabitants in the Ejido Palo Blanco, La Puntilla and Tarabitas, municipality of Tamiahua. With the results obtained through the applied surveys, the needs of these localities and the lack of information about the agrotourism, finding that if you have the necessary services that an Agrotourism Farm would offer and various packages that would be offered, as well as prices The competition, the competitiveness of this one was analyzed and promotion strategies were created. All this resulted in the fact that the tourism sector needs to have other options for its users to choose  the  one  that  best  meets  their  needs,  which  would  increase  tourism  in  the municipality of Tamiahua and also an economic improvement for the inhabitants of The localities.


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How to Cite

Avalos Tinajero , K. M., Mateos Rocha, R. A., Villalobos Pérez, E., Hidalgo Barrios, B. V., & Elorza Martínez , P. (2017). Market Study for the Creation of an Agroturistic Farm in the Ejido Palo Blanco, La Puntilla and Tarabitas, Municipality of Tamiahua, Veracruz. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 5(1), 55–60.



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