Analysis of pesticide mobility in the soils of the central-south region of the state of Chihuahua


  • Vicente Moncayo Cassiano
  • Bertha Alicia Rivas Lucero
  • Sergio Guerrero Morales
  • Gabriel Zúñiga Avila
  • José Eduardo Magaña Magaña



pesticides, movility, soils


Pesticides are widely used in food production at the Central-South region of the State of Chihuahua belonging to the District of Irrigation 005. The characterization of the final destiny and the toxicity of these are important to evaluate with certainty the risk associated with its use. This research focused on the analysis of the metabolism and residues of the main insecticides used for the pest control in the most important crops in this region, taking into account the types of soils to determine their possible migration to water bodies or their permanence in the land which allows to understand the problem of pesticide contamination in this region and thus contribute to the proper use and management of these. The results show that the main pesticides used in this District are essentially organophosphorus, of which most are considered very toxic and the rest are toxic and harmful. Also, the analysis shows that many of these are not persistent in the environment. However, its intensive use is what can cause environmental hazards in the short and long term. The interactions between the applied pesticides and the environment depend fundamentally on the pesticides properties as well as the environmental factors, which it is important that the producers consider the type of pesticide to apply, soil characteristics, the recommended dose and note that good management practices can reduce the risk of contamination in the region.


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How to Cite

Moncayo Cassiano, V. ., Rivas Lucero, B. A. ., Guerrero Morales, S. ., Zúñiga Avila, G. ., & Magaña Magaña, J. E. . (2017). Analysis of pesticide mobility in the soils of the central-south region of the state of Chihuahua. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 5(2), 9–17.



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