Bromatological and physicochemical quality of Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam) produced in the central zone of Veracruz


  • María del Rosario Dávila Lezama
  • Teresita Ramírez Hernández
  • Luz Irene Rojas Avelizapa
  • María Antonieta Rocío Juárez Juárez
  • Enríquez Ruvalcaba Vidal



moringa, properties, characteristics


Moringa oleifera Lam is a tree native to the Himalayas, from the northeast of Pakistan to the north of West Bengal in India, it is known as the miraculous tree or the tree of life. The bromatological and physicochemical quality of the fresh and dehydrated leaves of two municipalities of the central zone of the State of Veracruz, Tierra Blanca and Tepatlaxco was evaluated, including an edaphological soil analysis of the two zones. The results obtained with respect to the bromatological ones were: The moringa of Tierra Blanca reported high protein content 23.62% with respect to the moringa of Tepatlaxco 1.75% and the commercial 8.31%, of ashes the Moringa of Tepatlaxco reported a 3.81%, higher content that the Tierra Blanca 3.69% and lower with the 6.92% commercial fiber, the moringa of Tierra Blanca reported values close to the commercial with 16.19% and 15.24%, for the fat content was obtained values of 2.87%, 2.36% and 3.40% in Tepatlaxco, Tierra Blanca and commercial respectively. the physicochemical analysis the pH results of 5.85% acidity of 12.8% and degrees brix of 0.9% of the moringa of Tepatlaxco report values that are suggested for a postharvest conservation management: dehydration. The edaphological analysis reported that the soil of Tepatlaxco has an organic matter content of 8.56% and a clayey soil that favors the retention of water suggested for the cultivation of moringa. It is concluded that moringa can be an alternative to a functional food and it is recommended to determine the contents of some minerals that report contains the moringa produced in the study areas.


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How to Cite

Dávila Lezama, M. del R., Ramírez Hernández , T., Rojas Avelizapa , L. I., Juárez Juárez , M. A. R., & Ruvalcaba Vidal, E. . (2017). Bromatological and physicochemical quality of Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam) produced in the central zone of Veracruz. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 5(2), 35–40.



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