Forage performance of Pennisetum spp in the Huasteca Veracruzana.


  • Armando Arrieta González
  • Pablo Elorza Martínez
  • Nora Garcez Mercado
  • Arianna Rubí González Sánchez
  • Marcela Olarte García



productivity, cattle, drought, water


The diversity of pasture species that exist led to this research with seven Pennisetum that adapt to the conditions of the Veracruz Huasteca, to determine its productive potential in reference to the dry matter, leaf-stem ratio, leaf area index and height. The research was conducted in Tantoyuca, Veracruz in the facilities of the Higher Technological Institute of Tantoyuca during the rainy season of 2012, seven varieties of Pennisetum were established under a temporary system; Elephant Merkeron, Roxo, Taiwan, King grass, CT-115 and Maralfalfa, in plots of 25 m2 in a completely randomized experimental design with   four   repetitions.  From  a  single  plant,  stems  and  leaves  were  separated  to   determine   their dry matter content and the length and width of the leaves were measured to calculate the leaf area index; for the determination of the leaf - stem ratio three plants were taken and separately, stem and leaf were dried until constant weight. The results obtained showed differences between the different treatments, being able to identify that the variety CT 115 excelled in the yield of dry matter and leaf area index, being able to deduce that the Elefante and Roxo varieties are considered as the best ones for the conditions of the region for showing the better results in terms of leaf-stem ratio, since the greatest amount and availability of nutrients are found in the leaf part and not in the stem.



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How to Cite

Arrieta González , A., Elorza Martínez , P., Garcez Mercado , N., González Sánchez , A. R., & Olarte García , M. (2017). Forage performance of Pennisetum spp in the Huasteca Veracruzana. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 5(2), 107–113.



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