Market analysis for food products focused on people with diabetes in Delicias, Chihuahua


  • José Eduardo Magaña Magaña
  • Carla Constanza Rodríguez Montejo
  • Víctor Hugo Villarreal Ramírez
  • Marina Imelda Terrazas Gómez
  • Janeth Guadalupe González Domínguez



chronic disease, feeding, healthy, obesity, suffering


The present study was conducted in the city of Delicias Chihuahua with the purpose of analyzing the food market for diabetics and evaluating business opportunities. The sample size was determined using the Naresh Malotra methodology under the confidence interval approach. Analyzing the information 41% of the respondents who do not know the products they need, 4% of the respondents say they are in the restaurant their nutritional needs and 86% of the respondents said they needed the number of 3,235 diabetic patients affiliated in health institutions such as the IMSS or ISSSTE. Observing the results, it can be concluded that there is a potential market for food processing for diabetics because there is a wide interest on the part of people to take care of their food, the people who need it and the income they need to buy up to 3 times. week, however there are no accounts with a provider that care about this important sector of the population.



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How to Cite

Magaña Magaña , J. E., Rodríguez Montejo , C. C. ., Villarreal Ramírez , V. H., Terrazas Gómez , M. I., & González Domínguez , J. G. (2018). Market analysis for food products focused on people with diabetes in Delicias, Chihuahua. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 6(1), 1–5.



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