Manual of risk management and agricultural insurance


  • José Eduardo Magaña Magaña
  • Ana Elisa Ramos Fragoso
  • Víctor Hugo Villareal Ramírez
  • Hugo Armando Morales Morales
  • Lorena Patricia Licón Trillo



risk management, climate, biological, price fluctuations, agricultural insurance


Facing the effects and influence of climate, meteorologist and biological, price change and fluctuation in local and external markets, which are affecting the economy of agricultural producers, it is becoming more important create and develop the culture of have risk insurance policies to be prepared in case of an natural disaster or economic situation. It is important to develop and create conscious with agricultural producers to include Risk insurance as a need to be protected and covered and avoid any impact to their goods and production. The target of this study is elaborate and prepare a Management of Risk and Agricultural insurance manual useful to students of agricultural career at professional level, we are contributing and publishing the proper and main information which allow to the producers take better decisions about what kind of risk insurance policy or coverage must choose to be upfront those kind of changes or events and protect their properties and hectares for cultivation or cattle ranch and also the ability to acquire coverage to dimming or eliminate price fluctuation of some products. The methodology used to prepare this manual is based on information provided from Secretaría del Trabajo y Prevision Social, fully supported and the guide to prepare manuals of Secretaría de la Contraloría General del Estado de Sonora,  Mexico.  The  result,  is  a  manual  which  is  showing  basic  concepts  related  to  risk management offered by adequate entities, trends in Mexico up to Risk management and the procedure to hire insurance and coverage.


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How to Cite

Magaña Magaña, J. E., Ramos Fragoso, A. E., Villareal Ramírez, V. H., Morales Morales, H. A., & Licón Trillo, L. P. (2016). Manual of risk management and agricultural insurance. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 4(1), 132–138.



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