Characterization of the milk market in Cd. Delicias Chihuahua


  • Edgar Omar Carrasco Rivera
  • José Eduardo Magaña Magaña
  • Víctor Hugo Villareal Ramírez
  • Christian Mauricio Kiessling Davison
  • María Elvira González Anchondo



delicias, chihuahua, milk market, preference, milk brands


The purpose of this study was to identify the consumer in the form of evaporated and fresh milk with a universal acceptance. Applying 381 surveys using the architectural table provided by registry, in which classified to the total number of households in the city of Delicias, in five socio-economic sectors in which is divided, to achieve the size of the sample to use.  It is one of the foods of animal origin more consumed and valued in our society. Its great popularity is given by its high nutritional value. This municipality, based their economy in the dairy sector, making it one of the most important watersheds dairy in the country, under its modality and vision of the delicienses. In the region of delights consumed milk children being the largest consumers of milk at home, an approximate consumption is from 1 to 5 litres per week, where the most consumed brand is the lala, where supermarkets and grocery stores are the places where is adqui ere more frequently the product, with an approximate weekly expenditure of $51 to 100 only in milk. The characteristics most important to acquire the product is the taste as the first character of quality and price as first feature of purchase of the product.


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References w/1%C2%BAA+Leche.pdf df leche

Malhotra Naresh, 2008. Investigación de Mercados.5a Edicion Pearson Educación, Mexico.

Holmes Rodríguez E.; Luis Fernando Restrepo B.; Libia Inés Martínez H. 2014. Conocimientos, gustos y prácticas sobre el consumo de lácteos en una población escolar de la ciudad de Medellín-Colombia. Perspectivas En Nutrición Humana. Colombia.

Estudio de Mercado de la Leche. 14 de Noviembre, 22:00 horas. df



How to Cite

Carrasco Rivera , E. O., Magaña Magaña, J. E., Villareal Ramírez, V. H., Kiessling Davison, C. M., & González Anchondo , M. E. (2018). Characterization of the milk market in Cd. Delicias Chihuahua. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 6(2), 36–45.



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