Complex thinking for teachers in the rise of metadiscipline


  • Placido Juárez Lucas Centro Regional de formación docente e investigación educatca (CREDOMEX) Texcoco
  • Fabián Enríquez García Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
  • Jimena Belaunzarán Pérez TSE. Lic. Álvaro Gálvez y Fuentes. CCT: 15DTV0028D. Nezahualcóyotl
  • Laura Vara Pineda Pedagógico. Supervisión Escolar V023. Ocoyoacac



Educational variants, Teachers, Educational metadiscipline


In the field of teaching, complex thinking becomes essential for strengthening the capacities of teachers, since from the socio-epistemic variants, a better understanding of the teaching work in relation to students is achieved. This article specifically analyzes the excesses and defects caused by educational undiscipline, and on the other hand, the foundations of educational metadiscipline are presented, which, in complementation with metadiscipline, make possible a better teaching practice. The discussion revolves around the contradictions of the educational undiscipline and its specificities that tend to the paradigmatic decline.  It concludes with the elements that the metadiscipline contributes in the educational field, which are the epistemological opening towards complementarity, the educational contrast and the common sense of the teacher in its complexity.


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How to Cite

Juárez Lucas, P., Enríquez García, F., Belaunzarán Pérez, J., & Vara Pineda, L. (2021). Complex thinking for teachers in the rise of metadiscipline. Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 9(1), 153–167.



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